
School Clinic

The GFS Clinic Team consists of trained medical professionals: 2 doctors and 9 nurses with an array of expertise in general pediatrics.

For any questions/concerns regarding your child’s health, please dial the school’s number at 04 –519 5222 ext. 332 (main clinic) 331 (P3 clinic). You can also reach us via e-mail at: [email protected]

If it’s an emergency and you cannot reach us, please leave a message with reception and we will get back to you as soon as we can (not more than 48 hours).

  • Important information that you need is available on the GEMS Connect (School Info-> Resources-> School Clinic)
  • All parents/ guardians are required to complete and sign the online Health Forms (medical declaration and permission) for their child/ children on GEMS Connect. Information on this has been sent out in the welcome letter to all parents and guardians from the clinic at the start of AY2024-2025
  • If your child has a chronic condition or an allergy and you have not informed the clinic or mentioned it on the health form yet, please do so urgently by updating the health section on GEMS Connect. The clinic will require a detail medical report from the treating Physician and a personalised action plan to be followed during a normal school day and in case of any emergency that happens at school.
  • If your child requires any medication for a chronic condition during school hours, arrangements must be made only through the clinic. Medicines are not allowed to be carried in the students’ bags at all. The clinic will require a valid prescription copy and the medicine unopened in its original container to prevent any adverse reaction.

Sickness at Home

If for a reason, a student is absent because of being unwell, he/she should continue to stay at home till full recovery or until deemed fit enough to return to school by their own treating doctor. This is particularly important to prevent the spread of communicable diseases. Kindly follow the below procedure for the attendance due to health & safety reasons:

  • Email the class teacher/form tutor and copy the clinic and academic Team explaining your child’s illness/reason for absence. The clinic team will guide you if a letter of recovery is required.
  • For any diagnosed communicable disease, the child will not be allowed back in school without a medical clearance from own treating doctor.
  • Being symptoms free


If a student is unwell or displaying any of the signs and symptoms that are suspected of COVID-19, kindly consult your healthcare provider and follow the latest DHA guidelines.

Sickness at School 

  • If the student is not feeling well while at school, then the student will inform the class teacher/ form tutor or specialist teacher who will then send the unwell student to the clinic for assessment and care.
  • First aid will be provided according to the signed health form.
  • The parents will be informed by the clinic in case of an emergency.
  • It is the school doctor’s decision to have the student collected or sent back to class.             


  • Parents are required to pick up their children within a maximum of 30 minutes after being informed.
  • Students are not permitted to contact their parents directly to arrange for collection if they feel unwell.
  • Early exits due to illness or injury will be managed entirely by the clinic.
  • Students with suspected contagious conditions (e.g. suspected COVID-19, Bacterial Throat Infection, Pink Eye, Head Lice, Suspicious Rash, Vomiting, Diarrhea etc.) will be sent home from school. These students are highly contagious to others and must be picked up from school within 30 minutes of parent contact.

    In such cases, if the student uses the bus, they will not be permitted to board it and must be collected directly from the school.

  • Students displaying suspicious symptoms, or a fever will be sent home and must not return to school until they have been evaluated by an external healthcare facility and received the necessary treatment.
  • A written letter/ medical report from the treating doctor is required before the student can return to school.
  • Certain contagious or infectious conditions (such as head lice) may necessitate screening the entire class to prevent cross-infection. This will be done depending on the age group and with parental consent.
  • Physical Education is a crucial part of our curriculum, and all students are expected to participate unless there is a valid medical reason. In such cases, a doctor’s note is mandatory. Generally, if a child is not well enough to engage in Physical Education lessons, they should not be at school.



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